The 'Hockey Projects' Fund was created to drive forward improvements on and around the Langley Park Girls Astro. Those of you that have been down to the Astro are all too aware of the very limited toilet and changing facilities (or lack of them!). These are the priority, with an initial cost of £10,000 to construct suitable toilets. We also need to consider imminent replacement of the floodlights on the Girls astro, to a more efficient and cheaper option. With energy costs and other such fixed costs (pitch hire, salaries, etc) increasing over the past few seasons, we look at ways to generate additional income that will help us remain sustainable as a hockey section. Last season's fundraise saw close to 60 members in the draw, bringing in close to £3,000. We would like to improve on that effort this coming season please.
The '100' Club generates a regular monthly income, through a subscription based membership, with respectable cash prizes to randomly selected prize winners. The more subscribers each month, the larger the guaranteed prizes. At just £5 a month (or £60 upfront), members can purchase as many entries into the draw as they like and we encourage friends and families to also get involved!
The draw will be randomly drawn on the last Saturday of each month. On behalf of the fundraising committee, we thank you in advance for your support of this important initiative.
Please visit the below link for to enter September's draw and beyond